哈萨克斯坦超级特级大师赛 比赛预告

哈萨克斯坦超级特级大师赛将爱5月19日到6月1日在哈萨克斯坦的首都Astana举行。该赛事是为庆祝哈萨克斯坦独立10周年而举办的。参加者包括Garry Kasparov (2835), Vladimir Kramnik (2797), Alexander Morozevich (2749), Alexey Shirov (2722) 和 Boris Gelfand (2712),是一个双循环比赛。

The SuperGM tournament in capital of Kazakhstan, Astana will take place in May 19th – June 1st 2001. The event celebrates the tenth anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan in Astana. It will be a double round robin event with Garry Kasparov (2835), Vladimir Kramnik (2797), Alexander Morozevich (2749), Alexey Shirov (2722) and Boris Gelfand (2712) along with Kazakhstan's top player Darmen Sadvakhasov (2585). Category 20 (average rating 2733). 

网页制作 纳兰红叶   最后更新日期 2001-05-16   联络 纳兰红叶
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