德国Chessbase的新教学软件Attacking Chess Volume 1,2<攻击性国际象棋>1,2辑,是利用软件的多媒体功能,进行教学的一种新形式.它是为软件Fritz8.0(或Deep Fritz8)开发的多媒体嵌入式教学软件,它学习的环境,是模仿网络教学的形式,适合具有Fritz8.0软件,有一定棋艺和英语水平的人,通过听课来提高国际象棋水平.
训练者<攻击性国际象棋> 1, 2辑
和<国际象棋基本的局面思路>等,由丹麦国际特级大师Jacob Aagaard主讲, Peter Wells 的<战略与战术>. <攻击性国际象棋> 1, 2辑的内容包括约6个多小时的录像内容,主要有:
01 Introduction 22:23 介绍
02 Include all pieces in the attack 1a 15:35 所有子参与攻击1
03 Include all pieces in the attack 1b 13:41所有子参与攻击2
04 Include all pieces in the attack 2a 22:23所有子参与攻击3
05 Include all pieces in the attack 2b 13:55所有子参与攻击4
06 Development and pace in the attack 1a 15:51 攻击的出子和速度
07 Development and pace in the attack 1b 13:04
08 Development and pace in the attack 2a 13:30
09 Development and pace in the attack 2b 29:19
10 Colour Schemes 1 16 :57 颜色的主题
11 Colour Schemes 2 17 :50
12 The indifference of the value of the pieces in the attack 1 23:37 在攻击中子的不同价值
13 The indifference of the value of the pieces in the attack 2 18:28
14 Evolution - Revolution 1 17:49评估与转变
15 Evolution - Revolution 2 14:29
16 Drawing the king out into the open 13:05将王逼出来
17 Destruction of the king's position 1 15:33 打破王城
18 Destruction of the king's position 2 11:41
19 Destruction of the king's position 3 13:37
20 Destruction of the king's position 4 15:16
21 Opening lines to the King 1 18:49 打开通往王城的路
22 Opening lines to the King 2 11:45
23 Attack the weakest point in your opponent's position 16:18 攻击对方最薄弱环节
软件设计为多媒体录像文件,通过Fritz8.0软件Chess Media Files,使界面上有动态棋盘,有各种变化的演示和提示箭头、格的颜色变化等, 界面的下部有大师在同部讲解.

作者 王燕国
Email angusw@163bj.com