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    第42届卡帕布兰卡纪念赛于2007年5月17-29日举行,精英组是10位棋手进行9轮大循环比赛,参加棋手包括:V. Ivanchuk, Kamil Miton, Peter H. Nielsen, V. Gashimov 和 Leinier Domínguez, Lázaro Bruzón, Jesús Nogueiras, Neurys Delgado, Walter Arencibia 和 Yuniesky Quezada。平均等级分2617,比赛等级15级。同时还进行75位棋手参加的瑞士制比赛。第6轮比赛后,伊万丘克积5分领先。

比赛现场报道站点 Daily reports at: http://www.vanguardia.co.cu  /  (where the games are turning up) - http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/english/index.html  or http://www.juventudrebelde.co.cu/  Normally http://www.inder.co.cu/capablanca/  is the official site although there are no details yet.

Round 7 (May 25, 2007)

Nogueiras Santiago, Jesus - Miton, Kamil 
Bruzon Batista, Lazaro - Nielsen, Peter Heine 
Gashimov, Vugar - Delgado Ramirez, Neuris
Quezada Perez, Yuniesky - Arencibia Rodriguez, Walter 
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Dominguez Perez, Lenier

Round 6 (May 24, 2007)

Dominguez Perez, Lenier - Quezada Perez, Yuniesky 1/2 20 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Arencibia Rodriguez, Walter - Gashimov, Vugar 0-1 67 B79 Sicilian Modern Dragon
Miton, Kamil - Ivanchuk, Vassily 0-1 47 D85 Gruenfeld Defence
Nielsen, Peter Heine - Nogueiras Santiago, Jesus 1/2 20 A84 Dutch
Delgado Ramirez, Neuris - Bruzon Batista, Lazaro 1/2 44 B52 Sicilian Rossolimo

Round 6 Standings: 
1. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2729 5.0; 
2. Gashimov, Vugar g AZE 2644 3.5; 
3. Dominguez Perez, Lenier g CUB 2678 3.5; 
4. Quezada Perez, Yuniesky g CUB 2541 3.0; 
5. Arencibia Rodriguez, Walter g CUB 2555 3.0; 
6. Miton, Kamil g POL 2653 2.5; 
7. Nogueiras Santiago, Jesus g CUB 2552 2.5; 
8. Nielsen, Peter Heine g DEN 2649 2.5; 
9. Delgado Ramirez, Neuris g CUB 2547 2.5; 
10. Bruzon Batista, Lazaro g CUB 2620 2.0; 

作者 叶红 《国际象棋通报》07-05-26 

网页制作 纳兰红叶   最后更新日期 2007-05-26   联络 纳兰红叶  版权声明
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