这比赛将在国际棋联官方网站的锦标赛地带 http://wicc.fide.com 举行,在2002年4月10日开赛。比赛为9轮瑞士制比赛,时限与为国际棋联大奖赛相同,为每局一方25分钟,每步加10秒。
你还有时间报名参加比赛。(译者注:很抱歉,由于很少打开本人在国际棋联的信箱,本人收到国际棋联的比赛通知时已经是4月18日。 叶红)你可以到国际棋联官方网站的锦标赛地带 http://wicc.fide.com 首页,按下"Get registered",先登记成为国际棋联互联网棋手,再继续注册成为比赛的参与者。你必须接受比赛参加者的协议和比赛规程。请认真阅读这些文本,它们包含了大量实际和有用的信息。
叶红寄语:由于很长时间没有打开自己在国际棋联的邮箱,今天才看到国际棋联发来的2002年国际棋联大奖赛莫斯科站比赛的国际互联网选拔赛比赛报名通知。在杜拜的比赛,我们看到乌克兰的小朋友通过网上选拔赛获得参加杜拜站比赛的资格,网上选拔赛棋手的水平应该不会比我们中国国家队的棋手高吧。很奇怪没有中国棋手报名参加网上选拔赛,可能是中国棋手外语水平不够高,没找到比赛通知吧,太遗憾了。参与网上选拔赛很简单,报名后通过银行(国内的银行外汇帐户好像也可以)划帐交一点报名费就可以了。国际棋联大奖赛还有很多站比赛,叶红水平太低并不准备参加网上的选拔赛,但是希望下次在国际棋联系列大奖赛的网上选拔赛上能看到中国棋手的身影吧。 下次叶红接到国际棋联的比赛通知将立即在64格和国际象棋通报上发布,请棋友们留意。 叶红
Dear Chess Friends,
Let us remind you that the registration for 2002 Russian Grand Prix
Internet Qualification Tournament is still open. You still have a real
chance to join the Internet competition for one of two seats in the
Russian Grand Prix (http://www.fidegrandprix.com).
The tournament will be played at the Official FIDE Tournament Zone at
http://wicc.fide.com and will start April 10, 2002. It will be a
9-round Swiss with the time control similar to the one stipulated in
the Grand Prix regulations: 25 minutes per game for each player with
10 seconds added per move.
You still have time to get registered. Go to the front page of the
FIDE Tournament Zone at http://wicc.fide.com and click the button "Get
registered". Do not forget that you must be a registered FIDE Net
Player to proceed with the registration for the tournament. You must
accept the Tournament Participant's Agreement and the Tournament
Regulations. Please, read carefully both these documents as they
contain a lot of practical and useful information.
Besides, we would like to invite you to the offline UAE Grand Prix
Tournament that you will be able to watch online. FIDE Commerce
International is organizing a free web presentation of the real
tournament games at http://www.fidegrandprix.com. The tournament will
be held April 2 - 9, 2002. Please, follow the announcements at the
Official Grand Prix web site for exact time of games.