现场报道站点 Games will be broadcast live (17-00 local time most days) on ICC and the Club's website
http://www.hrokurinn.is (Icelandic) and
Round 3 (February 20, 2003)
McShane, Luke J - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 44 B31 Sicilian Rossolimo
Stefansson, Hannes - Macieja, Bartlomiej 1/2 82 C26 Vienna Game
Gretarsson, Helgi Ass - Adams, Michael 0-1 58 E21 Nimzo Indian 4.Nf3
Kristjansson, Stefan - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 35 C45 Scotch Game
Bacrot, Etienne - Sokolov, Ivan 0-1 39 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Round 3 Standings:
1. Macieja, Bartlomiej g POL 2629 2.0;
2. Sokolov, Ivan g NED 2688 2.0;
3. Korchnoi, Viktor g SUI 2642 2.0;
4. Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2723 2.0;
5. Adams, Michael g ENG 2734 2.0;
6. McShane, Luke J g ENG 2568 1.5;
7. Stefansson, Hannes g ISL 2569 1.5;
8. Gretarsson, Helgi Ass g ISL 2516 1.0;
9. Kristjansson, Stefan m ISL 2432 0.5;
10. Bacrot, Etienne g FRA 2671 0.5;
作者 叶红 《国际象棋通报》03-02-21